Contrast Enhancer

Contrast Enhancer


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Contrast-Enhancer is a windows application, written in C#. It is a tool with which you can take a snapshot of the current screen, and with easy mouse gestures, you can fine tune in real time several parameters of the image contrast.

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How to use

You can control the contrast parameters like this

  • hold down the control key and the left mouse button

  • drag left or right, to adjust the threshhold point

The contrast threshold can be between 0 and 100% of the image luminosity. It will be set to the cursor position relative to the screen edges

  • drag up or down, to adjust the amplitude. The further you drag, the higher the contrast

tip: start dragging from the center of the screen

  • press M to move the mouse cursor to the center of the screen

  • You can zoom in and out using the middle and right mouse buttons

  • you can scroll by holding the left mouse button and dragging

  • press Space to refresh the screenshot

  • press win shift A to hide the window

  • after hiding, press win shift A to show it. The screenshot will not be updated

  • after hiding, press shift alt A to show it and update the screenshot

  • press X to invert the colors

  • press C to toggle the mouse cursor crosshairs

  • press B to toggle the crosshairs border

  • press ALT Q to quit


Ionut Sava